Certified Harner Shamanic Counseling Sessions
Harner Shamanic Counseling is a unique system of shamanic counseling rooted in ancient shamanic principles rather than Western psychology. Designed to empower individuals to improve their lives through spiritual enlightenment rather than treating psychopathology, HSC serves as a problem-solving mechanism that helps people access their own spiritual power and find...

The system is founded on classic shamanism with Michael Harner's innovations in shamanic counseling, including non-ordinary reality, shamanic journey, and shamanic divination, utilized by clients to obtain practical answers to personal questions. To achieve this goal, HSC uses the electronic sonic-driving technique developed by Harner to place the client outside of time and in an altered state of consciousness, thus facilitating better problem-solving.
Throughout the shamanic journey, HSC clients not only confront and overcome inhibitory fears but also gain self-confidence, heartfelt wisdom, and a sense of personal empowerment, leading to an improved quality of life. Real shamanic counselors, who are sacred Teachers, offer non-ordinary reality answers that complement methodological shamanic advice from experienced shamanic facilitators in ordinary reality.