De-possession Spirit Release
Shri Radhe Maa once said, "The brightest stars emerge out of the blackest darkness." A profound statement that holds true, not only in the philosophical sense, but also in the realm of spirituality. Particularly, when it comes to the complex topic of spirit release in people.

Possession, an occurrence more common than most people realize, is often seen in a demonic light due to pop culture representation. However, most possessions are done by nonthreatening beings that simply overshadow a person. But what are these beings, and how can one release a possession?
De-possession and techniques for clearing unwanted spirit forms from one's field require strengthening one's connection to their true self. It is a process that requires compassion, forgiveness, and a willingness to be free of one's afflictions. It is a way of dealing with all types of spirits that can be all around us at all times.
Yet, while many spirits seek the light from the living, it is not viewed as healthy, but

rather a co-dependent nature. That is why it's important to understand that to be ready to be depossessed from a spirit is to be at a place in your life where you align with wanting to be free of the affliction. Doing so not only assists the identity or soul onto a realm of compassion but also enables one to be more in tune with their own true nature of universal love.
Souls who pass over and get stuck in limbo are often caused by various reasons such as fear, beliefs of no afterlife, confusion, ritual slaying and sacrifice, etc. Yet, in the core of all these issues, there is a spiritual divine light that needs to be nurtured. Moving forward, we need a better understanding of possessions, release, and the spiritual realm, so we can overcome these experiences and find our inner light.
The best way to free yourself from possession is through understanding the spiritual aspects of life and developing a connection with the divine. To do this, we must learn various practices for purifying our bodies, minds, and spirits. One such practice is meditation, which helps you to find your inner peace and balance. Additionally, there are numerous tools available

Demonic possession, as depicted in movies, is a rarity. When it does occur, the host will experience an aura of darkness and a pervasive sense of overpowering presence. These beings will drain the host's vital force - the longer they possess a weak host, the stronger they themselves become. Such a possession is often purposeful or phenomenal, an intentional connection with a possessing being. If you find yourself in such a situation, and if I feel confident handling it, I will do so, but if not, I will support you in finding someone who is more adept in such matters and within your belief structure.
To release a spirit from a host and provide them with liberation, we use a compassionate approach. First, we create a grounding space and telepathically connect with the spirit. We communicate with the spirit, digging deep to know who they are, why they are here, and providing them with an assurance that everything is going to be fine. Then, we create a tunnel to the spirit realm while working collectively with a team of compassionate spirit helpers. Finally, we release the spirit into a more appropriate realm, free from the possession.
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